Opening Ceremony 10th World Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Championships at LOTUS PANG SUAN KAEW HOTEL CHIANG MAI PROVINCE, DECEMBER 14, 2018. December 25, 2018 TBPA
Event photo gallery weight in and measure the height of each athlete who participated in the 10th World Bodybuilding and Fitness Competition at Pa Sak Noi Room, 2nd Floor, Lotus Pang Suan Kaew Hotel Chiang Mai Province, 13 December 2018 December 25, 2018 TBPA
Event photo gallery Annual general meeting of the Bodybuilding World Federation of WBPF Annual Congress at Baan San Tong Room, 6th floor, Lotus Pang Suan Kaew Hotel Chiang Mai Province, December 12, 2018. December 25, 2018 TBPA
Photo processing of the meeting of the World Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation WBPF Executive Council at the San Pa Tong Room, 2nd Floor, Lotus Pang Suan Kaew Hotel Chiang Mai Province, December 12, 2018 December 25, 2018 TBPA
Event photo gallery Training Prohibited Substances WBPF Anti-Doping Work Shop in World bodybuilding and fitness on December 12,2018 at Pha Sak Noi Room, 2nd Floor, Lotus Pang Suan Kaew Hotel Chiang mai province. December 25, 2018 TBPA